Graceful Bee Marketing Limited

Emack & Bolios

Emack & Bolio's Ice Cream

Emack & Bolio's 有多種創意口味的雪糕,味道總是獨特及令人震驚的。Emack & Bolio’s 不採用注射了基因誘導激素 rbST 的牛奶。

《Good Housekeeping》雜誌評價我們是“全國最好的冰淇淋供應商”,《紐約時報》評價我們是“一家充滿希望的冰淇淋店”,您怎麼會出錯呢?我們可以被打敗,但我們不能被打敗!

The ice cream magicians at Emack & Bolio’s get their inspiration for new creative flavors from many sources. Customers, ethnic grocery stores, dessert chefs and mother nature are some of the sources we go to for inspiration. The end result is always unique outrageous flavor combinations.

Emack & Bolio’s does not use milk from cows injected with the genetically induced hormone rbST.

With reviews like Good Housekeeping Magazine saying we are “The Best Ice Cream Purveyors in the Country” and the New York Times saying we are “An Ice Cream Shop with More Than a Lick of Promise” how can you go wrong? We can be licked, but we can’t be beat!

Emack & Bolio's Ice Cream

Emack & Bolio's Ice Cream

Emack & Bolio's 係一款好獨特的雪糕,真係好特別,因為我哋的創意味道靈感從來都來至唔同嘅來源,當中包括顧客、民族雜貨店、甜品廚師同大自然都係我哋搵靈感嘅來源,從而確保提供與別不同嘅口味同質素。我哋一直重視使用高質素嘅食材,確保產品符合最高嘅標準。

我哋亦被《Good Housekeeping》雜誌話我哋係“全國最好嘅雪糕供應商”,同埋《紐約時報》形容我哋係“一家充滿希望嘅雪糕店”,會錯嗎? 我哋可以被品評,但我哋不會被擊倒!

Emack & Bolio’s , the ice cream magicians at Emack & Bolio’s get their inspiration for new creative flavors from many sources. Customers, ethnic grocery stores, dessert chefs and mother nature are some of the sources we go to for inspiration. The end result is always unique outrageous flavor combinations.

With reviews like 《Good Housekeeping》 magazine saying we are “The Best Ice Cream Purveyors in the Country” and the New York Times saying we are “An Ice Cream Shop with More Than a Lick of Promise” how can you go wrong? We can be licked, but we can’t be beat!


聯絡我地 [email protected] 或 whatsapp +852 5211 8878 分享您對我地的意見同想法 !!

Contact us at [email protected] or whatsapp +852 5211 8878 for your comments or ideas that ROCKS!